Friday, September 18, 2020

Two Weeks of Virtual Learning

 We have finished our second week of virtual learning.  I have learned a lot over these past two weeks about technology and the best way for student's to access everything that they need to to make our learning in first grade successful.  I appreciate your patience and grace as we navigate this new world a virtual learning together!


Everyone now has Seesaw!  I am so excited about this!!  Friday was the first day that I was able to give out assignments and all students have the capabilities to be able to turn in their assignment to me.  Please let me know if your child is having difficulty getting into Seesaw.  Here is the Digital Technology Flyer that has login information.

Library Checkout

Schools are working on developing a system so that students can have library checkout.  Rock Bridge's Library Checkout is up and running and Midway's Library Checkout will be ready in a couple of weeks.  I will be sharing all the information as I get it.

Rock Bridge Elementary Library Checkout

Free Tutoring

A Way With Words and Numbers is a tutoring program that is run by graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Missouri.  Graduate students work within the College of Education to provide assistance to students in the areas of reading and math.  If this is an opportunity that you would like for me to set up for your child - please let me know!  You can find out more information about this program on their website.

Our Learning

  • During the first three weeks of Fundations, we are focusing on being able to identify (including the sound) and write all the lower case letters correctly.  When writing the the letters, I am really focusing on making sure the letters are formed correctly.  Letter reversals are still considered developmentally appropriate, but when a student forms a letter incorrectly (or backwards) it is still important to bring attention to their mistake so that it can be fixed.
Reading/Writing/Social Studies
  • Our essential questions during literacy will be: What is a family?  What are my family's needs and wants?  How does my family get our needs and wants?  We will be reading The Family Book, and A Chair for my Mother.  
    • Reading: We will be discussing comprehension questions, making text-to-self connections, and retelling the stories.  
    • Writing: We will be writing a book about our family.
    • Social Studies: We will also be discussing needs versus wants.
  • Our essential questions during math will be: What are the numbers 0-30 composed of?  How can I use patterns with numbers (skip counting) to help me add?  We will be practicing skip counting by 10's and utilizing different strategies to solve math problems.
  • Our essential questions during science will be: What are habitats? Are there different types of animal habitats around the world?  What animals live in my local habitat?  We will be learning about animals, their habitats, and what animals need to survive.  We will be discussing different habitats: desert, forest, grasslands, arctic, ocean, rainforest, and wetlands.

Trailblazer Time

Next week, during Trailblazer Time I will continue to be working with students one-on-one, and will be focusing on math assessments.  Your child's time will not change over the next couple of weeks until I have established small groups for reading and math (which will be done by early October).  If your child's time does not work, please let me know!

Have a wonderful weekend & please let me know if you have any questions or need anything!

Ms. Mottaz

    Friday, September 11, 2020

    First Week Was a Success!!

     It has been such a wonderful experience to get back "into" the classroom and begin establishing our classroom routines!  I have loved the opportunity to get to know each student a little bit over this week and look forward to learning and growing with them this year!

    This week:

    • We worked on getting into the routine of being back into school and what virtual learning will look like.  We established our Zoom Discussion Expectations and we have been practicing them this week.
    • During morning meeting, we are learning about the calendar (days of the week, month of the year).  We also have a number of the day that we are working with daily to help with number fluency, money, one more and one less, etc.
    • During reading, we have started learning a "First Grade Chant."  We have also been reading different books and making text-to-self connections with the books.  Today, we worked on our growth mindset and learned about the power of yet.  So instead of saying, "I can't" do something, we changed it to "I can't ____ YET!"  Ask your kiddo what goal they set for themselves.
    • During math, we have been working on number fluency within 10.  The students discovered that when the addends in an addition number sentence are flipped around the sum stays the same.  We also started talking about telling time - this will be a skill we will continue to work on throughout the school year.  Math discussions is a really important way for students to learn and grow in math and this will be a strategy that we will focus on this year.  Check out Twitter for some of the examples of the Math Talks we had this week - you will be impressed!!
    Next week:
    • During reading, we will be starting Fundations and Heggerty, both of these programs will help your child grow in their phonemic awareness and phonics skills.  If you have not already had a chance to cut out and get your child's Fundations packet ready to go - this will be important to have ready for Monday.  Here is the video so you know how to set up these materials.
    • During math, we are continued to grow as mathematicians working with addition and subtraction within 10.  We continue to have Math Talks to work on strengthening our math understanding.
    • During science, we will start with thinking about what a scientist is and how we can be scientist every day!
    • During Trailblazer Time
      • I will be working with students 1-on-1 to see where they are as a reader and mathematician.  I sent a schedule for these times in Friday's email.  Please check this schedule and help your child set his/her alarm on their device so that they will be at their time.  These times are super important for planning my instruction to best help your child grow and learn during 1st grade!
      • On Wednesdays, during the Trailblazer Time, I scheduled small groups for socialization and getting to know each other.  During these group times, we will playing games, working on social skills.
      • My plan is keep these same times for the next few weeks, until all my assessments are complete and I have an opportunity to establish small academic groups for reading and math.  Please let me know if the assigned time does not work for your family & will can reschedule.  
    I really appreciate your support and if you ever need anything from me - please let me know!  Have a wonderful weekend!

    Ms. Mottaz

    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Yay! It's a New School Year!! :)

    I am so excited for our new school year together in first grade!  We are Trailblazers this year!  As we begin our trailblazing year together, we will be learning together.  This is life of virtual online learning is new your family and for me as a teacher.  We are in this together and I will strive to make this your child's first grade year the BEST that it can be!  

    This is what I do know that I will tell you what I do know:

    • Your child will be loved and welcomed EVERY day!
    • Your child will be respected.
    • Your child will be cared for and taken care of.
    • I will be honest and respectful.
    • Mistakes will happen - that's how learning happens!
    • Our classroom will be full of problem solvers and risk-takers.
    • Our classroom will be full of questions, discussions, and discovering answers.
    • There will be play and there will be work.
    • There will be reading, writing, math, social studies and science.
    • Your child will have lots of opportunities for engagement and learning.
    • There will be growth this year!
    • Your child will have a wonderful 1st grade year!
    Due to the unprecedented circumstances, we are not able to have our regular Meet the Teacher Night.  So, I am using this blog page as a one stop shop to share information electronically.

    Things to MUST do:

    Things that will HELPFUL to you:

    • Here is our Bitmoji Meet the Teacher Night Classroom - this is great place for you and your child to explore together to learn about me, what we will be doing this year and other important information!
    • Bookmark our classroom blog page so that you can easily access it!
    • If you are on Twitter follow me at @MottazCPSMizzou.
    I cannot wait to spend this year with you and your family!  Please let me know if you EVER have any questions or concerns!  I am only an email or a call away.

    💓 Ms. Mottaz

    Friday, May 17, 2019

    Happy Friday!

    Happy Friday!

    I hope you have had a wonderful week! We are down to 6 more days which is absolutely crazy!  The end of the school year is always bittersweet.  We know the students are ready for 3rd grade and we want to continue to see them grow, but it's also sad to see them go.  This year has been amazing!

    Thank yo to everyone who attended our Lunch Bunch and Writing Celebration.  Wow!  We had such a great turn out.  These kids are lucky to have such supportive family and friends!  Be sure to check out Twitter to see pictures from the event.  We will be sending their book home next week. 

    Rock Bridge State Park Hike

    • We will be walking to Rock Bridge State Park on Wednesday, May 22.  
    • Please make sure your student wear tennis shoes.  
    • If you would like to apply bug spray before they come to school, you may, but we can't apply bug spray at school.
    • If you would like to walk with us or meet us at the park, please let me know.

    Variety Show

    • The Variety Show is Thursday, May 23.
    • We will be attending the Variety Show at 9:30.
    • Parents, guardians, family and friends are welcome to attend.

    Memory Books/Yearbooks

    • We will be creating Memory Books at school next week.
    • It is always fun to see what memories stand out the most to the students.  
    • If your student ordered a yearbook, it will come home on Tuesday or Wednesday (depending on the day they get delivered).  Please have them bring them back on Friday so they can sign them.  
    • We will sign yearbooks and memory book on Friday, May 24.  

    Last Day of School

    • The last day of school is Tuesday, May 28.
    • We will dismiss at 12:10 p.m.  Please let me know if your child is going home a different way than normal.
    • If your student will not be at school this day, please let me know.  
    • We will me watching the movie Matilda this day.  It is rated PG.  We will be comparing it to the book which we are reading right now. 

    Our Learning Next Week

    • Reading
      • We will be working on reading non-fiction text as we learn about different body systems.
    • Writing
      • We will be reflecting on our school year as we create our memory books.  It's so fun to see what they choose to write about and also how much they have grown this year as writers!
    • Math
      • We will be reviewing concepts next week.  We will work on time, money, addition and subtraction.
    • Health
      • We will be learning about body systems next week.  We will learn about a different body system each day.  Be sure to ask your student what system they learned about each day.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Friday, May 10, 2019

    Happy Field Trip Friday!

    What an amazing field trip that we had today!  Thank you to parent chaperones and donations of water and ice cream money.  The kiddos had a blast!!  Check out Twitter for pictures-I am still getting pictures from parent chaperones - so as I get more I will be making new videos. :)

    On Thursday, we met as a grade level, with administration, to look at our reading and math data.  The students have grown SO incredibly much!!!!  The growth that we have seen has been AMAZING and we hope that you are able to see this growth when reading and talking with your child at home!

    Important Upcoming Events
    • Field Day: May 15
    • Lunch Bunch and Writing Celebration: May 17
    • All Library Books Due: May 17
    • Crazy Hair Day: May 17
    • Variety Show: May 23
    • Last Day of School: May 28, dismiss at 12:10

    Field Day
    • Field Day is May 15.  
    • 2nd grade will participate in the afternoon session.
    • Please send in a FULL change of clothes (including underwear and socks) for your student as they may get wet during Field Day.
    • Here is the link for supplies if you would like to donate anything for Field Day.
      • Ms. Moore would like all the supplies by Monday.  Below is a list of items that are still needed.  Please sign up if you can!  Field Day is always so much fun & one of the kiddos favorite memories!! :)
          • Water balloons – the kind you can fill up 100 at a time – (20+)
          • Watermelons – small  (45+)
          • Cheetos – puffs  (20+ bags)
          • Baby shampoo  (15+)
          • Whip cream – in a can  (20+)
          • Gummy worms  (lots)
    • If you would like to volunteer for Field Day, here is the link.

    Which is Better Project

    • The students have worked extremely hard to publish their Which is Better writing.  All writing should be completed on Thursday - check in with your child on how s/he is doing.
    • On Monday, the students will be writing their Which is Better presentation and practicing.
    • On Tuesday, the students who are finished with publishing their book and presentation will start their projects.  We will continue to work on these Wednesday and Thursday.
    • We will be sharing this writing at our writing celebration on May 17.
    • Students will get to create a project to accompany their book.  The projects will be created at school.
    • If students would like to bring in supplies from home, they are welcome to do so, but IT IS NOT REQUIRED.  We will have tissue paper and construction paper for students to use at school.
    • Here is the information sheet sent home with some ideas of the projects they can create.

    Lunch Bunch/Writing Celebration - Friday, May 17

    • We will be celebrating all the students and their hard work on Friday, May 17 during a Lunch Bunch/Writing Celebration.
    • Parents or special guests are welcome!! :)
    • We will be eating lunch in the pavilion on Friday from 11:00-11:30.
    • You are more than welcome to go with your child to recess 11:30-11:45.
    • 11:45-12:15 we will have an open house style of our Which is Better books and projects.
    • An information sheet came home last week but if you need additional information - please ask!

    Library Books
    • Our final library check out of the year was yesterday.  All library books are due on May 17.  As soon as your child is finished with his/her library book, we will start turning them in.  We will appreciate any help that you can give us in getting 100% of the books returned by next Friday!

    Next Week's Learning
    • Math
      • We are finishing up our last math unit.  This is a review from year, and introducing subtraction with stacking (borrowing) and multiplication.  We will be taking our last end of the unit math test next week, and then we will focus on areas that we feel the students need a little extra reinforcement.
    • Writing
      • This week, we finished publishing our Which is Better book
      • Next week, we will be writing our presentation and then making our Which is Better projects.
    • Fundations
      • Next week, we continued to work on the /ou/ sound with the vowel teams "ow" and "ou".  The students have a good understanding of this concept and we will test over the long o and the /ou/ sound. 
    • Reading
      • This week, we talked about author's purpose for writing.  An author might choose to write to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE).  The students have a great understanding of this!!  It is important for the students to be able to explain why they chose whether the book is to persuade, inform or entertain using evidence from text.
    • Science
      • This week, we talked about how plants and animals protect themselves and then reviewed food chains/webs.  The students are doing great with this concepts and were able to show off at Runge today!
      • Next week, we will review at erosion and how to set up experiments.  
    You spoiled me for Teacher Appreciation Week!  Thank you so much for the kind notes and gifts!  I cannot believe that the school year is almost over.  I have loved having each and one of your children in my class and I am looking forward to a wonderful last 11 days with each and everyone of them!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Friday, May 3, 2019

    April Showers,,,May Showers...Oh My!

    Happy Rainy Friday!  To say the least I'm about done with the rain!  I am hoping that Friday for our Runge field trip the rain stays away and the trails aren't too muddy!

    We have had a wonderful week in Moss World!  It is crazy to think we only have 3 more Friday blog posts this year.  There is a lot of important information in this post, so please make sure to read it.  :)

    We have been working on end of the year assessments and to say we are blown away by the progress the students have made would be an understatement.  We are so proud of how hard they have worked and how much the students have grown this year!

    Important Upcoming Events
    • Final Library Check Out: May 9
    • Runge Field Trip: May 10
    • Field Day: May 15
    • Lunch Bunch and Writing Celebration: May 17
    • All Library Books Due: May 17
    • Crazy Hair Day: May 17
    • Variety Show: May 23
    • Last Day of School: May 28, dismiss at 12:10

    Final Library Check Out
    • Our final library check out of the year is next Thursday.  Note the day change due to our field trip.  Please help remind students to bring in their library books on May 9 so they can get new ones.  All library books are due on May 17.
    Runge Field Trip
    • Our Runge Field trip is next Friday!  We will send home a reminder next week, but below is important information to remember.  
    • Your student will need to bring a lunch from home, if they didn't sign up to get one from the cafeteria.
      • All lunches need to be in all disposable containers.  We will not be bringing anything back to school, so please pack their lunch accordingly.  
    • We will be providing a snack for your student, so they do not need to bring a snack for the field trip.
    • Please check the weather and have your student dress appropriately.  Currently the forecast is for temperatures between 50-60.  We will be outside for the majority of the day, so they will probably want a light jacket.  Also, there is more rain in the forecast (not on Friday, thankfully), so it may be muddy at Runge.  Your student may wear boots or tennis shoes. Please make sure they wear shoes that can get dirty.
    • We will leave school around 8:30, please make sure your student is on time so they do not miss the field trip.
    • If you are chaperoning and would like to take your student home, you will need to sign them out with Ms. Mottaz or Mrs. Ross. We ask that you stay with us until your group gets to look through the museum/exhibits.
    Field Day
    • Field Day is May 15.  
    • 2nd grade will participate in the afternoon session.
    • Please send in a FULL change of clothes (including underwear and socks) for your student as they may get wet during Field Day.
    • Here is the link for supplies if you would like to donate anything for Field Day.
    • If you would like to volunteer for Field Day, here is the link.
    Which is Better Project
    • The students are working hard to publish their Which is Better writing.
    • We will be sharing this writing at our writing celebration on May 17.
    • Students will get to create a project to accompany their book.  The projects will be created at school.
    • If students would like to bring in supplies from home, they are welcome to do so, but IT IS NOT REQUIRED.  We will have tissue paper and construction paper for students to use at school.
    • Here is the information sheet sent home with some ideas of the projects they can create.
    Next Week's Learning
    • Math
      • This week, we started to review 3-digit subtraction.  We used place value blocks to show how to exchange a ten for 10 ones, or a hundred for 10 tens.  After students understood the reason for borrowing, we also taught students how to stack and borrow.  This is a hard concept.
      • Next week, we will
    • Writing
      • This week, we started publishing our Which is Better writing.  We looked a text feature examples of strong and weak work.  The students developed a list of what text features should have and they worked EXTREMELY hard on publishing their text features.
      • Next week, we will publish the words in our book.
    • Fundations
      • This week, we focused on the /ou/ sound using "ow" and "ou".  We learned that the vowel team of "ou" only comes in the middle of a word.  The vowel team of "ow" comes at the end of a word and sometimes in the middle.
      • Next week, we will do a mixed review of /ow/ and long o sound.
    • Reading
      • This week, we identified the main idea of a book or section of a book and the supporting details in a nonfiction book.  We compared the main idea and supporting details to a table.  The main idea is the table top and the supporting details are the legs.  A table top without legs would not have a purpose and vice versa.
      • Next week, we be talking about author's purpose for writing.  An author might choose to write to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE).
    • Science
      • This week, we continued to learn about food chains and introduced food webs.  We also made conclusions on our marigold experiment.  Ask your kiddo what s/he learned about what a plant needs and what is most important!
      • Next week, we will continue to focus on living organism.
    Have a fabulous weekend!

    Friday, April 26, 2019

    Happy Friday

    We hope that you had a wonderful week!  Continue to be checking out Twitter or the sidebar on the blog page for pictures of what happened this week.

    Upcoming Events

    • May 10: Runge Field Trip 
      • Sack lunch needed
      • We will get ice cream at the end of the field trip.
    • May 15: Field Day
    • May 17: Family Lunch Bunch
      • 11:00 - eat lunch with child in pavilion
      • 11:30 - recess with child on playground
      • 11:45 - writing celebration in the classroom
    • May 17: Crazy Hair Day
    • May 23: Variety Show
    • May 27: No School- Memorial Day
    • May 28: Last day of school
      • Dismissal at 12:10

    Lots of Learning!


    • Your child brought home his/her geometry test on Monday.  If you have not already reviewed, signed and returned this test please do so.  We have you sign and return to make sure that you are aware of how your child is doing in math.
    • This week, we started our last math unit - I can't believe how quickly this year is coming to an end.  We talked more in depth with fractions.  Your child is expected to be able to partition a shape into halves, thirds and fourths, and be able to identify what a shape is partitioned into.
    • Next week, we will continue to reinforce fractions, learning about subtracting multiple digit numbers, and reviewing counting coins.


    • This week, the students worked EXTREMELY hard on editing and revising their Which is Better writing.  We worked on adding voice to our writing - this is something that we are going to continue to work on for the rest of the school year.
    • Next week, we will start publishing our 10 page book!!!!  This is typically is our students favorite piece of writing and they will be super excited to share it with you at the Lunch Bunch/Writing Celebration on May 17.


    • This week, students were introduced to dramas (no no the drama that sometimes happens in second grade but reading plays).  Students are expected to be able to identify the setting and characters in a drama, and how the dialogue advances the plot of the story.  We also talked about what an Act is versus a Scene.  We discussed the idea if math is the act then stations are like the scenes.  We started with a drama that is familiar ("The Three Little Pigs").
    • Next week, we will be continue to reading dramas but in a less familiar story.  We will then move into identifying the main idea and supporting details of a nonfiction text.


    • We started talking about long o vowel team of oa, oe, and ow.  We learned that "oa" comes when the long o sound is in the middle of a word and the "oe" & "ow" comes at the end of a word.  We also discovered that "ow" also can be in the middle of a word like grown or thrown.  Today, the students made a up a rule about when "ow" can be found in the middle of the word - ask your child about it!!
    • Next week, we will continue to talk about the long o vowel teams and have our end of the unit test.  We took a checkup today to see how the students are doing with this skill and they made goals based on what they need to work on.  Ask your child what they need to focus on for the test (some students got a 100% on this checkup and did not make a goal).


    • We continued to work on food chains.  We know that all food chains start with the sun and then a producer (plant, nut or seed).  Then, comes the primary and secondary consumers.  This week, we added decomposers and scavengers to our food chains.  Mrs. Ross taught the students a fancy word for decomposer - ask your child what it is!! 
    • Next week, students are making their very own food chain based on an ecosystem and then moving into learning about food webs.
    I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and please let me know if you have any questions! :)