We have been super busy! In reading, we learned about common themes in books, and the kiddos are doing an a great job being able to identify those themes in the stories that they read. In writing, we worked really hard on a writing post-test for informational writing. The kids researched and published a book on tulips. I will be grading these and this will be coming home to see what your child can independently write an informational piece of writing. In math, we have continued to work on subtraction with regrouping and borrowing. If students have mastered 2-digit, they have moved on to 3-digit, and then 3-digit with a 0 in the tens place (borrow across a 0). We have related subtraction to money also - making sure that the decimal points line up & of course remembering the qualifier! :) In word study, we have been learning about how to write a friendly letter. We wrote a few interactive writing letters (as a whole group) and have practiced independently writing a letter to a family member. We also have started to write to a pen-pal classroom in Kansas City. The kiddos are really excited and we hope to receive letters back from them soon!
Read Week is NEXT WEEK!!!!
The kiddos are super excited about Read Week next week! We have SO many wonderful readers coming in to read to us!! Also, each day has a special "theme." So start planning those outfits! :)
Monday: "Hats Off to Reading"
Students may wear hats.
Tuesday: "Reading Rainbow"
Students wear as many colors as they can.
Wednesday: "Relax with a Good Book"
Students can wear PJ's.
Also, on Wednesday, it will be our school-wide "Drop Everything and Read" Day. If your child would like to bring a special book to read on this day that would be wonderful! :)
Thursday: "Lasso a Good Book"
Students can wear Western Wear.
Friday: "Book Character Day"

Students can dress as their favorite book character.
In addition to dressing up as our favorite book character on Friday we will be visiting the Media Center for a few Mystery Readers! Next week we will get clues to who will be listening to read and then we will guess who will be reading to us. I can't wait to find out who we get to listen to read! :) Also, on Friday in our own classroom we will be doing "Flashlight Friday" Reading. The kiddos can bring in a flashlight and we will read with the lights off! I shared this with the class today & they were really excited!
We finished the book Because of Winn-Dixie and we have scheduled a Movie Viewing Party for after school on Tuesday, March 22. The watch party will be 2:45-4:30. A permission slip came home in your child's Friday Folder today. If your child is able to stay, please return the signed permission slip by March 18.
Friday Folders
There are LOTS of things that in your child's Friday Folder. There are several graded papers from last week and this week during our subtraction unit. Please look through these. If your child is struggling with subtraction with regrouping (borrowing) then try to add a couple of extra problems each night to their nightly homework. Also, be on the lookout for the letter that your child wrote to a family member. Please take the time to read this letter - we have been working hard on identifying the different parts of the letter and what goes in each part!
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