Just a few odds & ends that I wanted to mention...
We discussed "Magic e" today and the kiddos have a good understanding that CVC (Consonant, Vowel, Consonant) words (example: mad or rob) make a short vowel sound and CVCe (Consonant, Vowel, Consonant e) words (example: made or robe) make a long vowel sound. Today at the Word Study Station, the kiddos had "Magic e" wands and turned CVC words into CVCe words. Tomorrow, the kiddos will get their Word Study spelling packet with their spelling list. As a reminder, the spelling words this week and next focus on short & long a words: Short a Words: glass, fast, last, snap, and sack. Long a Words: make, page, face, same, and came.

Today in PE, your child ran the half mile. In May, it will be the first time in PE your child will run a full mile. Some kiddos were super excited about running and Ms. Moore mentioned to them that the Pumpkin Fun Run is happening on Saturday (October 1). Some kiddos are bringing home a flyer (they had a choice), however, if you would like additional information you can checkout the website!

The kiddos are really enjoying listening to Emily Arrow during writing time and watching her videos as we wait for buses to be called. I wanted to pass along the link to her website her again because there is so much interest in her songs! :) Her songs are great and are all made from books! She's super creative! RBE PTA is paying for her to visit our school in December...so exciting!!!
Coming home in Friday Folders is a Book It! form. Book It! is a reading promotional program through Pizza Hut. I will be discussing this with the class on Friday, but wanted to go ahead and let you know that we will be participating in the program this year. The goal that the second grade teachers has set is for each student to read 300 minutes each month at home (they would be able to meet this goal if they read 4 extra minutes each night for homework, or read for 15 minutes 5 nights instead of 4 nights). Your child's responsibility is to fill in the number of minutes read each night & then add the total minutes for the week. October's Reading Log is due by November 2nd.
Have a wonderful night! :)
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