Maker Space
Today, the kiddos enjoyed building in Maker Space. They used magnetic panes, K'nex & Zoob Builderz to build a variety of things!
States of Matter in Science
We started our next unit in science this week. It is learning about States of Matter. We did a fun movement activity today to introduce solids, liquids and gases.
they were a solid. Since solids are very tightly packed, they were also.
More of them couldn't move.
they started moving just a little bit and became a liquid. Even though
they could move, they had to "take the shape" of their container,
which meant, they had to stay on the carpet.
they became gases and moved around the room. We discussed how heat can go
almost anywhere it wants to go. It takes the shape and stays in the
container if the container is sealed, but if it isn't, the gas can "come
and go as it pleases."
We had
a brief discussion about how adding or taking away heat can cause a change in
state of matter. We "added heat" and "took away heat"
and the students had to move from a gas to a liquid to a solid with their body.
We will revisit this again next week.

Spelling Words
We discovered this week that our spelling words have 2 oddballs (a words that does not fit the pattern of short & long vowel). We will be testing on these words at the end of next week since this week & next week are short weeks. Our spelling words for November 1-November 10 are:
- Short Vowel Words: which, lots, spend, club
- Long Vowel Words: vote, safe, wipe, space (long vowel)
- Oddball Words: tall & rule
Halloween Pictures
Also, I love the pictures that I received of your child dressed up for Halloween! We have them on display in our classroom. If you have not sent in a picture but would like to you can send me an email with the picture attached. The kiddos love to be able to show off their costumes & see their friend's costumes! :)
As a reminder, we do not have school on Tuesday, November 8 due to
Election Day. We also, do not have school on Friday, November 11 due to
Veteran's Day Assembly
We have a Veteran's Day Assembly on Wednesday, November 9.
The students will be performing at the 9:30 assembly if you would like to
come. Please have our student wear red, white and blue on Wednesday.
I am looking forward to meeting with everyone at conferences.
Please check the conference time in your student's Friday folder. All
times have been confirmed, but I also understand schedules change. If you
are unable to make your scheduled time, please let me know and we will
reschedule. My goal is 100% attendance for conferences!
Book Fair
During Conference Week, we have the Scholastic Book Fair. It
will be in the media center again this year.
- Monday:
7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
- Wednesday:
7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
- Thursday:
7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m.
- Friday: 8:00-10:00 a.m.
will be going on Monday for the students to preview the book fair and make wish
lists. These will be available in the library.
Library Field Trip
We will be going on a field trip to the Daniel Boone Regional
Library on Wednesday, November 30. We will be going in the morning and
return before lunch. The students get to see the different areas of the
library and learn about different activities offered at the library. They
will also have an opportunity to get a library card if they fill out and return
the form. I will send the forms home next week and if you would like your
student to receive a card on the day of the field trip, the form needs to be
returned by November 15. It is a fun field trip.
No Homework
Due to the shortened week next week, we will not have homework.
Even though we don't have official homework, I recommend still practicing
math facts and spelling words.
Pajama Drive for the Rainbow House
Food Drive
RBE Service Club is doing our annual food drive for Meals on
Wheels. The Meals on Wheels Food drive will be happening November 7-29. Each grade level has a different item to bring in and then RBE
Service Club will create "Snow Day" bags for Meals on Wheels
recipients so they have food when Meals on Wheels isn't able to deliver food.
2nd grade's item is Peanut Butter (no crunchy please). If you would
like to donate, please send the peanut butter in with your student and they can
put them on the tables outside the office. Thank you in advance for your
donations. You can check out the list below to see what every grade level will be donating to be put in the "Snow Day" bags.
Crazy Hair Day
Our next RBE spirit day is November 18. Be thinking about what "crazy hair" your kiddos might enjoy having for the day! :)
Have a wonderful weekend! :)
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