Happy Tuesday! We had a wonderful day today and had a special raptor presentation - checkout below what we learned. Keep reading to find out some other important information & a few reminders! :)
- Missouri Department of
Conservation came today and gave a presentation on raptors. The
students loved it! The students learned the difference between
diurnal and nocturnal animals. Some of the raptors are diurnal and others were nocturnal. Ask your kiddo what diurnal means or which raptors are diurnal! There are 19 different
species of raptors in Missouri. They learned about the different
reasons birds weigh so little. The main reasons are they have hollow
bones and the feathers have very little weight to them. A hawk
weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and can actually only life half its body weight.
They also told the kids that it is illegal to have any bird parts
(feathers, bones, etc) without a proper permit. They brought in 3
different raptors for the students to see. Havoc was a juvenile red
tailed hawk. Autumn was an adult red tailed hawk. Mr. Tiggs
was a 2 year old kestral. There are a few pictures below and the
rest can be found here.
Havoc |
Autumn |
Mr. Tiggs |
Parent/Teacher Conference Request Form
- If you have not returned your child's Parent/Teacher Conference Request form, please do so by Friday. We will be scheduling conferences next week and will try to give everyone a time that fits in their schedule.
Permission Slip
for Ms. Hackmann
- In your student's homework folder is a permission slip from Ms. Hackmann. The permission slip allows her to use student samples without your name. Please fill out the form with the correct box checked at the bottom (I DO or I DO NOT give permission) and return them to school. On the permission slip it asks for her name and Education Preparation Program and State. It is listed below
- Student
Teacher's Name: Brittany Hackmann
- Student
Teacher's Educator Preparation Program and State: University of
Missouri-Columbia; Missouri
Decade Day

Friday is Decade Day at
school. If your student would like to participate, they can dress as
their favorite decade. Please remember, their outfit needs to not be
distracting and also appropriate for school. It's always fun to see
all the school spirit!
Have a fabulous day!
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