Fun Activity!
On Tuesday, we have a fun activity
planned for the students. They don't know about it, but make sure they
are wearing tennis shoes and comfy clothes that they can easily move in. We
will post pictures of our activity in next week's blog!
Playground Survey
You may have noticed that RBE PTA has put up a new bulletin board by the front doors about the status of our playground. There are several pieces of equipment that are broken, and they need your input on what your child likes to play on. Please use the QR code below to take a quick survey so that your voice (and your child's voice) can be heard!
Colonial Day
Colonial Day will be next Friday! A paper came home yesterday (pictured below) telling more about what we will be doing. We are still in the need for a couple of volunteers and some supplies to make this day a success! Please consider going to our classroom Colonial Day SignUp Genius and seeing what you can do to help out.
Field Trips
Wednesday, January 17, we will be going to the Planetarium. The students get to watch a video on the screen in the planetarium. Then at the end, they get to see the night sky and learn about constellations.
Jumping ahead, on April 17, we will be going to the Daniel Boone Regional Library for a tour. The kids always have fun learning different facts about the library. As the field trip gets closer, we will send home information about library cards if you would like to get your child a library card.
Even further ahead, on May 15, we will be going to Runge Nature Center in Jeff City. We love for parent volunteers to come on this trip. We will send home more information as the date gets closer, but we wanted to give you plenty of time to take off in you were interested in attending.
Math Test
The Unit 4 Math Test is coming home on Monday. Please look over the test (the post test is on green paper) and review it with your student. We will continue to work on measurement and telling time throughout the year. Overall, there was great growth from the pre-test to the post test. Please sign and return the test by Thursday, January 11.
Six Flags Reading

Six Flags Read to Succeed is a program sponsored by Six Flags. If students read and record 6 hours of reading (it must be signed off by a parent) by March 1, they can receive a free ticket to Six Flags to use during the summer. The reading logs will come home on Monday. As soon as they are filled out, the forms may be turned into Mrs. McKinzie in the library. The completed reading log form must be turned in by March 1 to receive a ticket.
Homework Folder
There are a lot of papers coming home in the homework folder on Monday. There will be 2 new games that the students have learned to play. There is also their Unit 4 pre and post test. Please look over these tests with your child, then sign and return them. Please return them by Thursday, January 11. The Six Flags Read to Succeed form is in the homework folder as well. We will also start homework up again next week. As a refresher, students are expected to read for 15 minutes each night, practice spelling words for 5 minutes and 10 minutes for math games or facts. The homework needs to be initialed (both math and reading sections) each night and the homework is checked each morning. We have added a table on the back for students to use to practice their spelling words if they would like. This is not a requirement, just an additional way to practice if they would like to use it.
Our Learning for Next Week
We will be working on making connections next week. We introduced this concept this week. The students have learned about text-to-text connections (connecting two different books) and text-to-self connections (connecting something in their life to a book). Next week, we will continue to work on making connections both in small groups as well as independently.
Word Study
We will continue to work on long vowel patterns. Next week, we will focus on long o words using the vowel patterns CVCe, CVVC (oa) and (ow). Next week's words are: froze, globe, close, roast, coach, roam, show, throw, know, grow.
We are getting close to finishing our first informational writing. The students will be editing and revising their writing next week. Once we start publishing, we will review text features and the students will add text features to their book.
We started Unit 5 today, which covers money and addition. Today, the students learned the game, Beat the Calculator, and learned that they have fact power and can solve basic facts faster than a calculator. Check out Twitter @MossRBE to see a video of them celebrating their fact power. Next week, we will be working on making different coin combinations for the same amount of money. Please continue reviewing coins (both names and what they look like) and their values at home.
Here we are showing off our fact power pose! |
Social Studies
We will be reviewing colonial times in anticipation of our Colonial Day next Friday. The students are very excited about colonial days.
Music Melody :)
In music today, the kiddos wrote their own song. They were so excited to share their song with me when I picked them up. Ask your kiddo about what they did in music!
Winter Weather
Please make sure your student has a winter coat when they come to school. It was too cold this week to go outside (the feels like must be 11 degrees or higher), but next week the students will be able to go outside. Even though it is going to be warmer, it is still definitely winter. Please check the email from the office today regarding information if there is a late start due to weather.
Have a fabulous weekend!
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