Friday, September 2, 2016

Fantastic Friday

We have had a wonderful third week of 2nd grade.  The kiddos are definitely working incredibly hard and are very deserving of 3 day weekend!!

Today, we took a math test over different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.  We also had our first spelling test.  These tests will be coming home next week.  Some of these words were challenging for some students because the words just have to be memorized; however, these are words that second graders use in their writing so it is important for them to be able to spell these words correctly.

Next week's spelling words are: your, should, some, about, other, being, look, like, own, and why.

Maker Space
Maker Space started back up today!!  The kiddos were super excited.  Today the kids played with Snap Circuits.  In first grade, the kids had a chance to build circuits with these, but they had a fifth grade buddy that helped them out.  In second grade, the kiddos do not need an older buddy to help them - so this was definitely exciting for them!!
Image result for snap circuits jr
Mrs. Ross and myself will be leading an after school club called STEAM Club.  STEAM stands for...
Image result for science technology engineering art and mathematics
The form to sign up for this club came home in your child's Friday Folder.  If your child is interested in this club please fill out the form & return the bottom portion in your child's Friday Folder on Tuesday.  There are limited number of spots - we are taking the first 40 permission slips that come in (and for the past 2 years this club has filled up on the first day).  So if interested get your forms filled out this weekend & turned in on Tuesday!!!

Library Checkout & PE

  • We have library checkout on Tuesday - so help your kiddo remember his/her library book!
  • We have PE on Friday next week - so help your kiddo remember his/her tennis shoes!

Emily Arrow
Mrs. McKinzie has booked Emily Arrow to come perform at RBE in December!!!  Emily Arrow takes children's books and turns them into song that she performs with her guitar.  She is extremely talented and the students really enjoyed watching her videos and listening to her music today.  Her website has videos of her music.  Here is a link to her website.  We cannot wait to see her perform in person - it should be really fun and exciting for the kiddos (and the teachers)!!

As a reminder, homework will be starting next week.  I will be going over homework with the class on Tuesday.  If you ever have a question - you can checkout the homework tab on the blog.  The directions for the homework and directions for different math games that your child can play are there.  Homework is only one page for the entire week.  Students are expected to read for at least 15 minutes and complete one section of math each night. Please let me know if you have any questions about homework as they come up.

Yesterday, we taught the kiddos two math games that could be played for homework that also helps them practice on their basic addition facts.  They learned Addition War and Addition Dice.

Other RBE Blogs
Earlier this year, I sent out a link to Mrs. Sharp's blog (our music teacher).  I made a new tab on my blog that has the some of the specialist teacher's blogs linked.  They are including some great information about the awesome things that are occurring in their classrooms.  Please take the time to check it out!!

Next Week

  • In math, we will continue to focus on addition and subtraction word problems.  It is important that word problems include a complete a correct number sentence and a qualifier (what you are talking about).  Several students forgot what a qualifier is and what to do with extra information on the math test today - so one of our math stations next week will be to continue working on these skills.  We will also be introducing place value.  Please continue to practice math facts at home.  If you would like blank copies of the math wizard tests, to help with practicing these facts, just let me know!
  • In reading, the kiddos have a good understanding of what physical versus character traits are.  We have also talked about how a character's traits can change throughout the book.  Next week, we will be talking about the setting of a book.  It is important when talking about the setting to include not only the where but also the when (example: outside in the summer).  
  • In writing, we are going to start working on a new piece of writing titled, "A Day in the Life of a Second Grader."  This will be a fun piece of writing for your child to share with you at Curriculum Chat on September 20 (7:45-8:15 am).  This writing will walk you through their day at school.
  • In science, we have a fun experiment planned for next Friday!!!  We will be working on making a hypothesis based on things we already know and then conducting an experiment to test out hypothesis.

I hope that your family has a wonderful, safe, long weekend!!!  I know that I am super excited for football season to be starting up!

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