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We took our post-test in Measurement yesterday. Overall, the kiddos did a wonderful job on measuring! :) The word problems were difficult for some students, so we will be continuing to reinforce word problems throughout the rest of the month. Word problems are something fairly easy to come up with to practice with your child over the summer also - they will only be getting harder next year with bigger numbers and multiplication/division. I will be sending the Measurement test home next week for you to review.
Field Trip
Our field trip to Runge Nature Center is next week!! The kiddos are SUPER excited. We will be learning about different food chains and also about a pond's ecosystem.
Library Checkout
Next, week will be our last library checkout - I can't believe how close we are to the end of the school year!!! Due to our field trip, we will have library checkout on Thursday. Please help your child remember to bring his/her books back to school next week. There were several kiddos who were not able to checkout books yesterday because they still have books that have not been returned for over 2 months. Please check with your child to make sure they are able to checkout books.
I hope you are able to get out & enjoy this beautiful weather we are having!!
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