Math Posters
The students finished up "working for" the T-Shirt
factory by creating a poster to show how they added up the total number of
t-shirts. We had a discussion that they haven't learned how to stack and
regroup when adding, so they had to use another strategy. Some groups
used place value blocks, while other groups grouped the hundreds, tens and ones
and then added. The pictures below show them presenting their posters.
We have been working on adjectives last week and this week. The
students have learned that adjectives describe a noun. The students
identified adjectives of items in the classroom and then created a Word Cloud ( with all the adjectives that describe the items. In
a Word Cloud, words that are used more often appear larger. We then
created a large poster with the Word Clouds and pictures of the items.
The poster is hanging in the hallway so if you're in the building,
check it out!
We have continued to work on summaries this week using the
strategy of Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then. After your student reads at
night, I encourage you to have them summarize what they read. They may
not have all parts depending on how long they read, but they should be able to
identify what their character wanted and a problem the character had in the
book. Today, they wrote a summary independently about Three Hens
and a Peacock which is a very funny book. :) It was
interesting to read the different summaries because some students wrote about
the Peacock and others wrote about the three hens.
Picnic Lunch
Even though we were not able to go on our field trip today, our Picnic Lunch was a success!!!
The Weather is Changing!!
Today there was a shift in temperature throughout the day. Please make sure that your child is coming to school with appropriate outerwear. If the windchill is under 60 degrees your child will need a sweatshirt or a jacket.
Emily Arrow
We are so excited that Emily Arrow will be coming to RBE in December!! We will have an assembly with her on December 9th. On Wednesday, December 7th at 6:00 we will be having a RBE Literacy Family event at Woodcrest Church. Due to seating capacity, this event is for RBE Families only. As I receive more details I will send them out. To get to know some of Emily Arrow's music checkout her website!
Chicken BBQ
The Chicken BBQ is coming up this Saturday!! If you still need to order BBQ tickets please send in your child's BBQ baggie back with money ($9.00- adult meal; $7.00 - youth meal; $5.00 - child meal)
Teacher Town at the BBQ
There will be LOTS of really neat stuff at Teacher Town (Silent Auction at the BBQ). You can purchase:
- Our class picture with everyone's signature
- Mrs. Ross & our class picture with everyone's
- Pizza Lunch Party for your child & 2 friends
- STEAM Bus: Craig Adams has graciously donated a Day on the STEAM Bus for the auction at the RBE Chicken BBQ. The winning student’s entire class will get to spend a day on the STEAM Bus doing fun activities. If parents in your student’s class would like to pool their money together so they have more to bid, this is completely fine. Here is the website for the STEAM Bus if you would like to learn more about it.
- Grade Level Picture: If you would like to order a grade level picture and aren’t able to come to the BBQ or weren’t able to get your name added to the list at the Chicken BBQ, please have your child bring $5 (per print) to Mrs. Ross’ classroom by Tuesday, October 18 and you will be added to the order. The order will be placed Tuesday afternoon, so we can’t accept any late orders. Prints will be sent home in Friday folders once they have been printed. This is a great memento to add to your student’s memory box. Thank you for your support!
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