Your child is bringing home a few items today in his/her homework folder:
- Adjective Parade Sheet: Our 2nd Grade Adjective Parade will be next Friday, October 28. We will actually be parading around the school so all the grade levels can see our amazing, fun, excellent adjectives! Please help your child think about an adjective that could be shown off by decorating one article of clothing. Please return the bottom portion of the sheet so I know what adjectives will be in our parade!

- Parent Teacher Conference Request Form: Parent teacher conference is our right around the corner! Please look over my availability for conferences on the form that came home today. Select your first and second choice for the day and time that you prefer to meet with me. Return this form with your child by next Wednesday. I will do my best to schedule everyone's conference for their first choice. Be looking for your scheduled time coming home and Friday Folders next week. I am looking forward to meeting with everyone in November!
Next Friday, October 28, will be our Fall Harvest Party at 1:45. A few of the moms have a fun party planned but need some assistance with supplying treats, paper products, and for some adults to help with the party/cleanup. Please take the time to look at the Fall Harvest Party Sign-Up Genius to see what is needed.
Western Day
Tomorrow will be Western Day. Bring out your cowboy boots, hats and plaid! I can't wait to see all the Western Wear tomorrow!
Western Day
Tomorrow will be Western Day. Bring out your cowboy boots, hats and plaid! I can't wait to see all the Western Wear tomorrow!
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful evening!
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