Health Unit
We will be starting our health unit this week and the kiddos always love having guest speakers come in to talk. Our focus during this health unit is on the different body systems.If you or anyone in your family/friends is in the health care profession & would like to come and speak to the students, please let me know & we can set up a time.
Nutrition Pretzel Class
To kick off our health unit today we had a lady from Nutrition Services come and speak with us about the Grain Family. She taught us about the different parts of a wheat plant and the importance of eating wheat bread versus "white" bread. She brought in examples of grain plants that everyone was able to look at. After she talked with us, we got to make & then eat our pretzels! Check out all of our pictures here!
Opinion Writing
We started our second opinion writing today on our favorite flavor of ice cream (from controlled choices of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, or cookies and cream). We talked about the importance of coming up with specific reasons to support our opinion. For example, a specific reason that I might like cookies & cream ice cream is that it has Oreos in it and Oreos are my favorite cookie. However, a not specific reason I might I might like cookies & cream is that it has stuff in it.
We are continuing to work on regrouping with subtraction in math. Today, we taught the kiddos to highlight (or circle) the bigger number to bring attention to this number. We have been using the sayings below when teaching about regrouping. On homework this week, one of the sections asks students to circle the biggest number and then identify whether or not regrouping is necessary.

Pizza Party
As a reminder, our 2nd Trimester Pizza Party is on Friday. Students may bring in a drink (20 ounces or smaller, no glass) if they would like. Each student will get 2 slices of pizza, a healthy side, chips, and a dessert. They do not needs to bring in a lunch on Friday, but please still send in a snack for your child during snack time.
Reading Week Mystery/Guest Readers
If you or a family member/close friend would like to come in during the week of March 6 to be a mystery/guest reader, we still have available times. Check the Sign Up Genius for available times. Also, we have our Chat & Read Lunch on Tuesday, March 7 from 11:00-11:45 - if you are able to attend you can sign up to let us know.
A Note From Mrs. Sharp (RBE Music Specialist)
Ms. Mottaz’s class has earned a celebration in music by completing their class
song. Each day, a beat can be earned and I’m happy to announce that they have
completed 12 beats! We will celebrate two music days in a row so that EEE kids
can participate. Your child is allowed to bring a stuffed animal and a snack to
music class on Thursday, 2/23 and next week on 3/1. No drinks, please.
Beautiful Weather!!
We are going to take advantage of the beautiful weather (it is supposed to be in the high 70's tomorrow!) and go to the track. Please send your kiddo in or with tennis shoes tomorrow.
I hope that you have a wonderful evening!
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